Pre-order and get 10% OFF
Pre-order 3 weeks in advance and get 10% off. Products grown and made specifically for you. Check out eligible items below.*
Which? Best Buy
We are proud to say that our Pink Oyster Mushroom Growing Kit is a Which? Best Buy.
Which? is an independent UK consumer organisation that conducts product testing and reviews. A Which? Best Buy award indicates a product has performed exceptionally well in their rigorous assessments for quality, performance, and value.
*Dispatch will take place approximately 3 weeks after the order date, allowing us enough time to prepare the kit for you. Offer only applies to items purchased from this 'Offers' store page. If your order contains a pre-ordered growing kit purchased from this store page, your whole order will be placed on hold and dispatched approximately 3 weeks after the order date. Any other items you may have in your order will not be dispatched earlier. Please get in touch if other arrangements are required.